Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i don't want to wait

Let me start by saying for my 16th birthday my friends bought me the following: Joshua Jackson poster, Joshua Jackson book, poster collage of magazine articles about Joshua Jackson, notebook collage of smaller items about Joshua Jackson. I LOVE JOSHUA JACKSON. My love for him > my love for Jason Mraz. Now do you see?

The Dawson's Creek soundtrack is still in my car and occasionally makes an appearance. I will not apologize.

Everything I learned about how I want a boy to kiss me (see above) I learned from Pacey Witter. There's a reason she picked him in the end. Look at it! Dawson is a whiny douche. Pacey is where its at. My love for this show is like the love I have for the first boy who really kissed me. It's all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic and teenage giggly.

Dawson's Creek The Complete Series went on sale today and though I do not have $160 to spend so frivolously now, I will buy this eventually. And I will soak up every Joey and Pacey filled minute.

Monday, November 9, 2009


My high school class organized a Facebook group to start planning our 10 year high school reunion. I had a few conversations about the past this weekend and in each conversation I said something like "I was just a stupid kid." Who am I kidding? I'm still a stupid kid! It is just all one big game of pretend. And I want to swing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

the first cut is the deepest

Rae and I are both having cut or not to cut hair moments. The grow out phase is a confusing time in every woman's life. But Rae, if we're being honest with ourselves, we both have really good hair. Really good RED hair at that. So suck it blondes. Here's to haircuts. Or not. Damnit! What to do?!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

don't call me...

Dear Modcloth,

You won me over with your charming vintage inspired styles, vegan shoes, and lovely but not warm winter coasts. But this Millicent Dress has officially made me doubt you. What kind of deranged Alice in Wonderland frock is this? Seriously, what? This is horrible. Giant lace collar, unexplainable extra side boob roominess, and flared bracelet length sleeves? Make it stop.

P.S. Deliver my shoes by this weekend. And they better fit.

Love, Lou

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

YouTube collaborative music project

Here's a fun little toy to spice up your Tuesday.

Since I possess zero musical knowledge or talent, this seems like a little bit of magic.

Lush Crush

November is National Blog Posting Month! We are already 2 days behind. Rae, let's get our act together! I'll start.

I am officially obsessed with Lush cosmetics.

Snowcake Soap makes my not only me, but my entire apartment smell almondy and delicious. Fresh Farmacy cleanser has cleared my skin up in two days.

Next stop: toner, moisturizer, and lip balm.

Being a girl is fun.