Monday, December 21, 2009

What the cuss?

First fanny packs and now scrunchies? No, no, no!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i don't want to wait

Let me start by saying for my 16th birthday my friends bought me the following: Joshua Jackson poster, Joshua Jackson book, poster collage of magazine articles about Joshua Jackson, notebook collage of smaller items about Joshua Jackson. I LOVE JOSHUA JACKSON. My love for him > my love for Jason Mraz. Now do you see?

The Dawson's Creek soundtrack is still in my car and occasionally makes an appearance. I will not apologize.

Everything I learned about how I want a boy to kiss me (see above) I learned from Pacey Witter. There's a reason she picked him in the end. Look at it! Dawson is a whiny douche. Pacey is where its at. My love for this show is like the love I have for the first boy who really kissed me. It's all warm and fuzzy and nostalgic and teenage giggly.

Dawson's Creek The Complete Series went on sale today and though I do not have $160 to spend so frivolously now, I will buy this eventually. And I will soak up every Joey and Pacey filled minute.

Monday, November 9, 2009


My high school class organized a Facebook group to start planning our 10 year high school reunion. I had a few conversations about the past this weekend and in each conversation I said something like "I was just a stupid kid." Who am I kidding? I'm still a stupid kid! It is just all one big game of pretend. And I want to swing.

Friday, November 6, 2009

the first cut is the deepest

Rae and I are both having cut or not to cut hair moments. The grow out phase is a confusing time in every woman's life. But Rae, if we're being honest with ourselves, we both have really good hair. Really good RED hair at that. So suck it blondes. Here's to haircuts. Or not. Damnit! What to do?!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

don't call me...

Dear Modcloth,

You won me over with your charming vintage inspired styles, vegan shoes, and lovely but not warm winter coasts. But this Millicent Dress has officially made me doubt you. What kind of deranged Alice in Wonderland frock is this? Seriously, what? This is horrible. Giant lace collar, unexplainable extra side boob roominess, and flared bracelet length sleeves? Make it stop.

P.S. Deliver my shoes by this weekend. And they better fit.

Love, Lou

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

YouTube collaborative music project

Here's a fun little toy to spice up your Tuesday.

Since I possess zero musical knowledge or talent, this seems like a little bit of magic.

Lush Crush

November is National Blog Posting Month! We are already 2 days behind. Rae, let's get our act together! I'll start.

I am officially obsessed with Lush cosmetics.

Snowcake Soap makes my not only me, but my entire apartment smell almondy and delicious. Fresh Farmacy cleanser has cleared my skin up in two days.

Next stop: toner, moisturizer, and lip balm.

Being a girl is fun.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

calendar swap!

I am super excited to participate in the 2010 Calendar Swap (brought to you by Design Crush and Greedy Girl)

Participants are paired up and spend $20-$30 on a pretty 2010 calendar and send it to their partner.

I swooned over my 2008 Snow and Graham calendar and few years ago and was never able to commit on a 2009 calendar. This calendar swap is perfect! I get a surprise calendar and I get to send a stranger a surprise! I <3 blog community fun! There are so many fun options!

Flapper Doodles?! In calendar form!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If I had access to chocolate cookies, I'd be eating them all day.

{via imgfave}

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

is it that easy?

I found this Martha Stewart image via Bliss and I am totally intrigued.

Can I really just tie a ribbon around my foot before I put my flats on and have it look this cute? Will the ribbon actually stay as neat and tidy as it looks? It's so pretty and easy! But will it work in real life?

Monday, October 5, 2009

virtual housewarming

Happy Housewarming Rae! I had grand plans to send you these flowers and then I looked at my bank statement and came crashing back to reality. So, until my reality is more than a question mark, here are some virtual flowers to celebrate your new home. Yay fall!

Friday, October 2, 2009

friday melodies

a delightful little ditty by regina

Thursday, October 1, 2009

simple pleasures

I'm REALLY excited about the baked potato I'm eating for dinner tonight.

Really. Excited.

(thank you Flickr for making me even more excited with this photo)

Hope your dinner is yummy tonight!

Humor me.

"There's nowhere you can be which isn't where you're meant to be."
- The Beatles

I'm in an unusually chipper mood this morning, so you'll have to forgive the hokey song lyric quote. But isn't it a nice reminder, really?

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm first!

Unfortunately, I don't have a photo to illustrate this post yet, but I want to be the first in the blogosphere to declare how unbelievably, breathtakingly fabulous the new Draper living room is. When my roommate and I saw those new black and white high backed armchairs we both squealed with glee.

I've given my props to Mad Mens costume designers. Now it's time to acknowledge the set designers: Well done.. Please send me the specs ASAP!

Friday, September 25, 2009

let me count the ways

Dear J.Crew,

No one makes my heart sing more than you do. Let's be best friends forever.

P.S. Give me that lip stain that model is wearing.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

completely unsuitable

These $200 leather over-the-knee boots are:

1. Completely unsuitable for someone as height-challenged as myself.
2. Completely unsuitable for someone as vegan as myself.
3. Completely unsuitable for someone with a $0 boot budget.

... but they sure are pretty. Rae, I give you permission to fulfill my over-the-knee boot tall girl dreams.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

it's here!

Happy First Day of Fall!

photo by Otono on Flickr

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

vintage fun #1

My mom was an adorable kid!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

i must be losing it

It is completely wrong that the things that stand out most to me in this photograph are the stars on her jeans and her cute gray puff shoes.

"Color My Dog" Photo Essays at

how to be a lady

WHAT!? i want it ALL.


more girl crush

I'm not really a Vogue girl, but this issue with Michelle Williams on the cover is calling my name. I have had a girl crush on her since she chopped her hair off as Jen Lindley on Dawson's Creek. She has such a quiet, relaxed, private sense about her that I just adore.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


this made me giggle. (imgfave)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just. Say. No.

Wait, what? Cabbage rose patterns are trendy again? This brings back nightmares of my 3rd grade school photo.
All together now: "NO."

Advice for the day

Something I'm going to try hard to remember:
"Don't expect things to be different unless you do things differently."

wait for it!

I cannot express my love for Neil Patrick Harris. I will let this lovely article in New York Magazine speak for itself.

Luckily for me, September will bring more NPH than ever before. The Emmys, Dr. Horrible on Netflix, Season 4 of How I Met Your Mother on DVD, and next Monday the season premiere of HIMYM. Favorite show of all time. Sorry Rae, HIMYM captured my heart this summer in a way that 30 Rock cannot. Tina runs a close 2nd though!

He is legen-

(wait for it)


p.s. how adorable are he and David Burtka? I can't get enough.

(images via New York Magazine and

Friday, September 11, 2009

Men want her and women want to be her.

Joanie, you darling.
You've given me the courage to wear red lipstick and I vow the next addition to my closet will be an electric blue blouse in your honor.
It's going to be gangbusters.

this is not an invitation

Winter, I hate you. You are not invited into my life until:

1. I've eaten my weight in pumpkin baked goods.
2. All the leaves are gone.
3. I've successfully figured out how the hell to have a vegan thanksgiving.
4. My house is covered in twinkle lights and kitschy snowmen.
5. I'm drinking peppermint mochas and making snowflake cut-out cookies on the weekends.

That being said, halpal28's etsy shop has the cutest damn hats and scarves EVER MADE.

December through February. THAT IS IT. No longer than that! Jerk!

Money Fairy

I want new clothes. No.

I NEED new clothes. All new clothes. That fit me and keep me warm. Fucking bank account. Magically generate enough money for a whole new wardrobe all at once. Thanks.

Yes, these things are all gray.

No, I wouldn't wear them all together. I just really like gray okay. Shut up.

jacket: Brooklyn Industries, scarf: Fossil, cords: Gap

Monday, August 24, 2009

happy birthday

I have a boyfriend who buys me SHOES for my birthday! Orange shoes!! sweetness.

Friday, August 21, 2009

tree hugging

i shouldn't be wishing summer away... but i am.

image via Design*Sponge

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I refuse to participate in the recession. It's cramping my style.

which is why this lovely site comes in very handy when reading the news. Censor all those nasty, depressing topics and read about what you're really interested in: sexy teenage vampires.

i want to go here for dinner

how dreamy...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

back to school

Pixie cut, red lipstick, offset buttons, high collar... Rae this has your name written all over it.

And this isn't the only one. Little Houses is full of adorable stuff that is making me hate summer even more than I already do. Autumn come quick! These redheads miss your flattering tones!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

we're not on a break

Hi blog. I still love you. However, my lack of funds and bad attitude make it hard for me to feel inspired, funny, or excited about anything. Rae still loves you too. I promise.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Listen to Regina. She rules.

Especially loving the lyric: "I've got a perfect body, but sometimes I forget."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

girl crush

I have an insane girl crush on Zooey Deschanel. Her music, her bangs, her movies, her style, I love it all. I want to be her friend. She put together the sweetest list of 31 things to do in the summer for Self Magazine in honor of her new movie 500 days of summer. I can't wait to see the movie. It was all sold out in SF on opening day! Can't wait until it arrives in Ohio one month later!

sharing brain waves

I logged in to post this only to see we have the same brain. Only mine says fuck more often. image also via imgfave.

Do what you do.

We are painfully behind on posts around here. Lou has the valid excuse of being on vacation. I do not.

But perhaps this Bob Dylan quote will be inspiring enough to make it up to you.
Via my new fav, imgfav.

Friday, July 10, 2009


You should probably pack this Eugenia Kim cloche to keep the sun off that pretty face.

Oh, and the ocean's cold, but maybe throw in this Anthropologie suit just in case.

Bon Voyage!!

Lou, have a great trip and hurry back! I've been saving this superfun artwork by Jeff Canham for your send-off.


PS Track 7 is also in your honor.